We use Geographic Information System (GIS) tools to collect, analyse, visualise and manage spatial data. GIS tools are an important part of research, including the development of thematic map apps for the public. These apps include maps of vulnerable areas, maps of groundwater quality monitoring – showing concentrations of nitrogenous substances, the quantitative status of groundwater bodies, and the chemical status of groundwater and surface-water bodies.

Applications prepared for the public

Assessment of the status of surface water bodies

Evaluation of the chemical status and ecological status/potential of surface water bodies from the Water Plan of Slovakia for the years 2022-2027.

Assessment of the status of groundwater bodies

Evaluation of the chemical and quantitative status of groundwater bodies from the Water Plan of Slovakia for the years 2022-2027.

Vulnerable areas of Slovakia

Water bodies affected by pollution from agriculture and water bodies that may be affected by such pollution if the programmes developed for the prevention and abatement of nitrate pollution are not implemented.

WRI groundwater quality monitoring network

Results of groundwater quality monitoring provided by the Water Research Institute according to the Slovak Water Monitoring Framework Program, displayed on an interactive map.