Wastewater treatment, recycling and disposal. We conduct research on technologies and procedures applied in municipal and industrial wastewater treatment and disposal, and research on small and root-zone wastewater treatment plants. We also address the technological aspects of wastewater treatment and disposal in accordance with the relevant legislation, and the technology of treated wastewater recycling. We collect and analyse data and information on public sewerage systems. We also pay attention to the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on wastewater and wastewater treatment.

Sludge from wastewater treatment plants. We deal with the latest methods of sewage sludge treatment, handling and disposal. We collect and analyse data on the quantity, composition and properties of sludge, the methods of sludge handling and disposal in Slovakia, and on biogas production and utilisation. We monitor and assess the quality of sewage sludge and biogas from municipal wastewater treatment plants. Our Institute is authorised to give expert opinions on sewage sludge utilisation in agriculture with regard to the origin and treatment of sludge and its impact on water quality in accordance with Act No 188/2003 Coll., as amended.
Management of rainwater uses. We examine and analyse the qualitative parameters of surface runoff water from urbanised areas, with the aim of developing a methodology for water sampling during extreme rainfall events. At the same time, we strive to assess the impact of rainfall and air pollution on the quality of surface runoff water. With an emphasis on environmental solutions, we propose conceptual solutions for capturing and reusing rainwater from urbanised areas. We examine the factors that influence the conceptual solutions proposed for sewage disposal with regard to the environmental goals, as well as the qualitative and quantitative parameters of sewerage networks and their impact on the recipient water body.

Promoting the main EU and SR objectives in wastewater management. We examine the elimination of selected micropollutants from the wastewater treatment processes in terms of effectiveness. In so doing, we compare the costs and effectiveness of ‘modern’ wastewater treatment methods. We focus on the key strategies applied to achieve energy neutrality in the water sector. We seek solutions to improve the energy efficiency of wastewater treatment procedures. We examine options for monitoring health-related parameters – various pathogens in wastewater.
Impact of wastewater and sludge on surface water and groundwater quality. We monitor the impact of wastewater and sewage sludge on the quality of groundwater and surface waters, and evaluate the collection, treatment and disposal of municipal wastewater.