Rainfall-runoff processes in river basins. We perform comprehensive analyses of rainfall-runoff processes in river basins, and propose adaptation measures for their optimisation in order to mitigate the consequences of climate change. Adaptation measures are designed as nature-based solutions (NBS) with long-term sustainability that aim to increase the ecosystem’s resilience and to reduce the rate of biodiversity loss. We identify the critical areas exposed to intense soil erosion, quantify wash load from the catchment area, and propose measures to mitigate the undesirable effects of sheet erosion. The results of field surveying and numerical modelling are used for analysing the ongoing physical processes and optimising the measures proposed. We apply appropriate water retention measures that aim to enhance the water storage potential of landscape, soil and aquifers by restoring river systems.
Wetland conservation and restoration. We assess the water regimes of wetlands on the basis of field investigations and long-term water regime monitoring in view of the main human pressures. Subsequently, we analyse the ongoing processes in wetlands, using Geographic Information System (GIS) tools and numerical models. Deficits identified in wetland water regimes are taken into account in the design and optimisation of specific restoration measures. In addition, we verify options for wetland restoration within systems of extensive drainage and irrigation canals. We propose nature-based measures that enable the re-establishment and improvement of water regimes.

Hydrological processes in river basins. Intense anthropogenic activities in recent decades have led to the depletion of water supplies in soil aeration zones, which may adversely affect the water resources needed for forest and wetland ecosystems. We conduct field surveys to assess the soil’s water regime using numerical modelling in view of the prevailing hydrological, meteorological and pedological conditions. We propose appropriate restoration measures and recommendations for their optimisation in accordance with the relevant EU directives on water and nature protection.