Working closely with its partners, the Institute prepares, coordinates and implements the Framework Programme for Water Monitoring in Slovakia in line with the requirements set out in the Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC, in respect of delimited surface-water and groundwater bodies. Water monitoring enables us to obtain up-to-date data on all surface-water and groundwater bodies. The data so obtained is used to assess the current ecological and chemical status of these water bodies, and to propose appropriate mitigating, protective and revitalisation measures. The results of water monitoring are incorporated into the Water Plan of Slovakia. The current Framework Programme for Water Monitoring in Slovakia covers 2022–2027, and is based on the previous framework programmes.
Groundwater quality monitoring is conducted within the framework of our Institute’s special purpose monitoring network. The aim is to obtain detailed information on the concentration of nitrogenous substances in vulnerable zones and pesticide substances in the sensitive zones. Selected pollutants are monitored in groundwater bodies, where the environmental objectives of the Water Framework Directive are at risk, and in groundwater bodies used for drinking-water abstraction, which need protection. Groundwater quality monitoring also covers substances of concern, such as micropollutants (pharmaceuticals, perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl compounds).

The Institute also ensures ad hoc monitoring, upon request, to track changes in surface waters, groundwater, drinking water and wastewater, and to locate the sources of pollution in emergency situations or in the event of a rapid water-quality deterioration. We ensure such ad hoc or targeted water monitoring according to our customers’ requirements.
Within the scope of ad hoc monitoring, we coordinate and perform long-term monitoring focusing on the Gabčíkovo hydro-power plant’s impact on biotic and abiotic processes in the Danube and in its branch system (between Devín and Komárno). The results of monitoring and data evaluation are used in national and joint SK-HU reports.