The Institute ensures compliance with the EU requirements concerning wastewater discharge and treatment in accordance with the Urban Wastewater Treatment Directive within the time frames set according to the size of the agglomeration and the character of the recipient water body. Subject to these requirements are agglomerations with a population over 2,000 and agglomerations with a population less than 2,000, provided they have a functional sewerage network. Treated wastewater must satisfy the requirements imposed by the relevant legislation in force in Slovakia, without any negative impact on the aquatic ecosystem.

We collect, verify and process data on public sewerage systems, and subsequently compile reports in the required range, in accordance with Articles 15, 16 and 17 of the above Directive. Data collection is ensured through ZberVaK. The results are evaluated in reports
covering the discharge and treatment of municipal wastewater.
The ZberVaK database provides a framework for the subsequent evaluation of stored data and information and is part of the Water Plan of Slovakia. The evaluation results are used in water planning and in drawing up a programme of measures.